Automatically Submit WordPress Blog Post To StumbleUpon

I am naturally a lazy guy. I always love to get things done with a minimum or no effort.
Ever since I started blogging, it has always been a habit sharing my articles to StumbleUpon. Although the process of submitting post to StumbleUpon isn’t tedious, I wanted a system to automatically do the submission just like auto-publish my post to my Facebook page.

After a long hour of research, I couldn’t find a third-party service that support StumbleUpon. I decided to search the WordPress plugin repository to see if there’s a plugin that could do it.
After hours of different plugins installation and testing, I settled for NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster.

The plugin is quite easy to set up. Go to the plugin settings page, select StumbleUpon in the New Network add your StumbleUpon account details.
Next Scripts: Social Networks Auto Poster Options

Also, a widget is added beneath WordPress TinyMCE editor to choose the StumbleUpon category the post will be submitted to.

Next Scripts: Social Networks Post Widget

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