How To Convert HTML Code To Its HTML Entites Directly In WordPress

As a web development and Tech blogger, i always post codes particularly HTML codes.
One cannot write an HTML code in WordPress TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor without it parsing the code. the only way one can output HTML code without it getting parsed is by converting it to HTML entities.
Until recently, i always have to use an HTML to ASCII converter to be able to output code for my blog users viewing pleasure.
This trick to convert html code to its entity only covert all “<” and “>” to “&lt;” and “&gt;” thereby stopping the parsing of the code as html by the WordPress editor.

How To Convert Html Code To Its Entity Name
  • Go to your WordPress editor and switch to Visual
  • Input your HTML code in the visual editor, afterward switch to the Text editor.
  • You will see that the “<” and “>” contain in the html code has been stripped and converted to it entity name.
  • You can now preview or publish to see the output.


to make outputting html and other programming code easy and convenient, use a Syntax Highlighter plugin. it will help you a great deal.

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