How to Create 301 / 302 Redirect via cPanel

Let’s say you changed your website domain name from to, and you redirected the initial to the latter domain, that is termed Redirect.

Redirects allow you to make a specific web page redirect to another page and display the contents of that page. This way you can make a webpage accessible by another URL.

Two out of the Redirection HTTP status codes are the most popular and frequently used:

  1. 301 Permanently Redirect – A permanent redirect that will notify the visitor’s browser to update any bookmarks that are linked to the page that is being redirected.
  2. 302 Temporary Redirect – A temporary redirects that will not update the visitor’s bookmarks.

Creating 301 and 302 redirect can easily be done via cPanel, without having to write any apache .htacess rewrite rule.

  • Login to cPanel and click the Redirects link under Domains widget.
    Redirect link in Domain widget
  • To setup the redirect, fill the form as follows:
    * Type – choose to set up either 301 or 302 redirect.
    * Select the domain you want to set up the redirect.
    * redirects to→ – input the URL to redirect to.
    * www. redirection – select Redirect with or without www.. only do otherwise if you know what you’re doing.
    Setting up 301 or 302 redirect via cPanel
  • Click the Add button and that should be all.
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