How I Never Miss Great Articles from “Hacker News”

Hacker News is one of the best internet resources for reading hot and trending technology related news and stories.
I am particularly interested in articles encompassing startups, programming, computer science, success stories and life experience.

Articles on Hackers News are ranked by points earned divided by the power of the time since they were submitted. As a result of huge number of submitted articles, most great and interesting articles either do not make the front page or when they do, they scroll off quickly.

In the past, I had always miss great articles of interest because I only have the time to visit Hacker News in the evenings, but not anymore thanks to these awesome services listed below.

    Searching for articles and stories related to a category is always daunting. Thanks to this website, you can read articles in a category of interest. Categories include Web Technology, Hardware Language, Lecture, Graphics & Gaming, Research, Business, Affairs, Jokes.
    Hckrnews is an unofficial alternative hacker news interface with a chronologic list of items that have made it onto the Hacker News homepage sorted by time.
    On Hacker News, there are some submitted articles with their title preceded by Show HN to draw people’s attention to new or unique product. aggregate such posts scraped from the new stories feed every couple of minutes.
    Like, this website aggregate “Show HN” posts on Hacker News. It’s visual appealing and displays the article thumbnail alongside.
    OMG! My best Hacker News web app. thanks to this website, I am able to filter hacker news submissions by: number of points, comments, title, domain, submitter, etc. afterward, subscribe to the filtered results by RSS or get them in JSON.
    An alternative Hacker News front page with a slider to display articles each hour.
    Get weekly newsletter of the best articles on startups, technology, programming, and more curated by hand from Hacker News site.
    Receive daily newsletter of top Hacker News stories, algorithmically summarized and delivered at your convenience.
    HNDigest delivers regular emails with the top the HackerNews stories so you you’re not constantly distracted.

I use to spend my working hours hanging out at HN. Thanks to the above web services, i was able to kill my Hacker News addiction hence improve my productivity.

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