Jetpack Spelling and Grammar (Proofread) feature not working?

A lot of WordPress users shy away from Jetpack plugin because they deem it bloated and heavy. I beg to differ with them because only the activated features are loaded or used by WordPress.

Intrinsically, this isn’t a tutorial but my observation about Jetpack Proofread feature.

I have come to discovered that each time there is a Jetpack update available, the Spelling and Grammar feature AKA proofreader doesn’t work.
Below is the error message you displayed

There was a problem communicating with the Proofreading service. Try again in one minute

Jetpack Spelling and Grammar (Proofread) feature not working?

Even after waiting for over one minute, it still won’t work.

When next you encounter this quirk, update Jetpack and your worry would be gone.

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