How to Reset a WordPress User Password hosted on Localhost

While working on a WordPress site hosted on a developmental server (simply called, localhost) in my computer, I mistakenly updated my admin password to a random WordPress generated one. Thus, I was logged out and no longer was able to log in again because I have no record of the new password.

Using the password reset option won’t work because email can’t be sent on a local server (at least in mine).

In this concise tutorial, I will show us how to intercept and read the password reset mail meant to be delivered to your account email address. After which, you can copy the URL to reset / change your password.

Paste the code below to an site specific activated plugin or any plugin file that is currently active.

add_filter( 'retrieve_password_message', 'w3guy_password_reset_mail_content', 10, 2 );
function w3guy_password_reset_mail_content( $message, $key ) {
	var_dump( $message );

On clicking the submit button to reset your password, you will see the password reset message displayed with the following text where is the URL of my locally hosted WordPress.

Someone requested that the password be reset for the following account:

Username: collizo4sky

If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen.

To reset your password, visit the following address:

Be sure to remove the code after resetting your password.

I just hope someone find this useful someday 😀

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