WordPress Plugin Subversion Error – PUT of ‘/!svn/txr/

WordPress uses Subversion, an open source version control system for hosting and tracking plugins on it plugin repository.

While building my first plugin, I encounter this particular subversion error each time I try to commit my code.

PUT of ‘/!svn/txr/867445-j4aw/simple-feed-customizer/trunk/readme.txt’: 403

Going through the Subversion book, I discovered this error usually arises when a user isn’t having the permission to access the subversion repo.
But I was informed by the WordPress team I could have access to my plugin subversion repo. using my WordPress.org account. Why wasn’t it working?

After several hours of trying, I discovered WordPress account details are case sensitive.
My account username is Collizo4sky with the initial letter being a capital letter. I previously was trying to login with the username all lower-cased which always led to the error message above.

Finally, I was able to login to my plugin subversion repo. and got my plugin published.

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