Generating Website Screenshot Using WordPress API

I have always noticed that whenever I mouse over a commentator’s website URL while moderating comments, I am shown a screenshot of the website.
Website screenshot in WordPress comment
Few days ago, I decided to use Google chrome inspection tool to inspect the screenshot html image code. Below is the code result;

Changing the encoded URL above to any other URL will generate a screenshot of that web page. Also take cognizance of the fact that changing the value of w from 600 to any integer will alter the screenshot width (measured in pixels).

Say you want to embed the screenshot of a web page in your website, just pass the screenshot URL to src attribute of HTML image. For example:

<img src="" />

Most times, it takes a while for the tool to generate the website screenshot. If you are seeing a preview image instead of the actual image, just be patient and check later.

Confused? Check out this my simple Screenshot generator based on the screenshot API.

Yours truly..
Agbonghama Collins

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